Our third and final poll closed on October 22nd. In it, we asked members which (if any) of several alternative methods of choosing Crown they would like to see tried. We also included the current heavy combat model as an option, so that members who regard it as the best or only way to choose Crown could make their feelings known.
Just over 60% of members responded, and here’s what they said, in two different graphs:

People liked the alternatives! For every option in the poll, the most common response was to favour it. Options were favoured about twice as often as they were disliked, with between 15% and 28% undecided in each case.
It’s easier to see the relative popularity of each option if we stack the positive and negative reactions to them like this: you can immediately see that the current heavy combat model just edges out prowess over a number of events, with slightly more favourable responses and slightly fewer negative responses. Archery had the fewest respondents favour it, and the most dislike it (but even then, more people liked it than disliked it).
However, we’ve saved the most interesting graph for last. As you might have noticed from the first two graphs, everything was viewed positively, and the difference between support for the various options is not dramatic. That is because more than three-quarters of the members who completed the poll favoured multiple approaches to choosing Crown.

78% of people said that they favoured two or more ways of choosing Crown, and more than half favoured three or more. One percent of respondents disliked all the options listed, and three percent were undecided about all of them. This makes us very glad that we did not take the approach of simply asking members whether or not they liked a single alternative method, since variety appears to be the most popular option. Incidentally – of those people who only said they favoured one way of choosing Crown, most were undecided about the alternatives. About 4% of people said they only favoured the current heavy combat model, and disliked all the alternatives.
We have reported our findings to the Crown, Australian Board, NZ Committee and US Board. More details on the results will be available on the Lochac website soon. With our job done, the working group would like to thank the members who helped us work out the detailed descriptions of each possible alternative, everybody who contributed to the discussion forum, the Crown, Board and Committee for their support, and most importantly everyone who took the time to complete our polls.
Yours in service,
Alaric, Joana, Gomez and Nico