Regnum: Kingdom Officers in Lochac

The Kingdom of Lochac is managed by two corporate entities, SCA Ltd (Australia) and SCANZ Inc (NZ). See their websites for respective corporate officers, membership and policy details, and other country-specific information. Below are the officers of the Kingdom.

Regnum contents are maintained in the Regnumator but changes to Order Clerk or Guild Head information should be submitted via the Regnum Update Form.

  Office Office Holder Since
(Sovereign by right of arms)
Canon Lore link Baron Bain of Stornaway (he/him) May 2024
(Consort by inspiration, grace and courtesy)
Canon Lore link Iglesia Delamere (she/her) May 2024
  Chamberlain Count Alain Quartier (he/they) May 2024
Gunther (he/him) June 2024
  Heir to the Throne
(Royal Heir by right of arms)
Kitan von Falkenberg September 2024
(by inspiration, grace and courtesy)
Canon Lore link Mistress Alesia au Cheval Blanc (she/her) September 2024
  Chamberlain to the Royal Heirs Canon Lore link Duchess Eva von Danzig (she/her) September 2024
Kingdom Seneschal Canon Lore link Master Gomez de Crecy (he/him) April 2023
  Deputy Seneschal Canon Lore link Hlæfdige Mildryth Thomaswyf (she/her) March 2023
  Actuary Deputy
Risk management
Canon Lore link Count Gilbert Purchase (he/him) October 2022
  Crown Events Deputy Countess Beatrice Maria Malatesta (she/her) January 2024
  Magister Notitia Canon Lore link The Honourable Lord Obbi illugi (he/him) August 2021
  Masonry Deputy
Canon Lore link Baron Brían dorcha ua Conaill (he/him) August 2022
  Reporting Deputy Lady Cailleach Dhe inghean Ui Dhubhghail (she/her) March 2023
  Officer Training Deputy Canon Lore link Steffan Glaube May 2023
  Live Streaming Deputy Canon Lore link Steffan Glaube May 2023
  Social Media Officer Canon Lore link Lady Freya Haare in heppna (she/they) November 2023
  Kingdom Youth Officer Canon Lore link Lady Thalia Brasse (she/her) September 2023
Crux Australis Principal Herald Mistress Isabella de Bordeaux (she/her) September 2023
  Canon Herald Canon Lore link The Honourable Lady Arabella d'Aubigny (she/her) December 2020
  Quarrel Herald Canon Lore link Mistress Glynyhvar of River Haven (she/her) December 2023
  Coffyn Herald Canon Lore link Honourable Gwyn Cantor (they/them) April 2024
Earl Marshal Canon Lore link Kinggiyadai Orlok July 2023
  Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal Canon Lore link Lord Patri de Buck (he/him) March 2024
Kingdom Rapier Marshal Canon Lore link Armiger Jude Aleksandr Donetsk (Any) November 2023
Kingdom Archery Marshal Canon Lore link Lord Grigorii Luchnik (he/him) March 2024
  Kingdom Siege Marshal Canon Lore link Baron Sorle Maknicoll (he/him) June 2022
Kingdom Equestrian Marshal Canon Lore link Countess Safiya bint 'Abd al-Shahid (she/her) December 2023
  Kingdom Youth Combat Archery Marshal Canon Lore link Captain Ranif Pallesser October 2023
  Keeper of Lists (Continental) Canon Lore link Baroness Aeschine of Arran (she/her) February 2024
  Keeper of Lists (Crescent Isles) Master Diego Alonso Moreno (he/him) February 2024
Minister of Arts and Sciences Canon Lore link Baroness Ginevra Lucia Di Namoraza (she/her) December 2022
  Deputy Kingdom A&S Canon Lore link Dame Joan Sutton (she/her) March 2023
Chancellor of the Exchequer Canon Lore link Baroness Helouys le Poer January 2023
  Deputy Exchequer for NZ Canon Lore link The Honourable Lord Lowrens Wilyamson (he/him) September 2022
  Xero Deputy Canon Lore link Mistress Elizabeth Severn June 2024
Kingdom Chronicler Canon Lore link Lady Magdalena af Husum January 2024
  Regnum Deputy Canon Lore link Nest Brenhowel March 2024
Kingdom Chirurgeon Canon Lore link The Honourable Anna von der Ron April 2024
Kingdom Constable Canon Lore link Don Diccon Shorthand April 2023
Kingdom Hospitaller Canon Lore link Lady Madelaine le Mercer (she/her) July 2024
Provost of Scribes Canon Lore link Mistress Edith Penrose (she/her) August 2024
  Aneala Warden Canon Lore link Mistress Leonie de Grey September 2024
Keeper of the Regalia Canon Lore link Countess Elizabeth de Foxle (she/her) June 2022
Kingdom Historian Canon Lore link Lady Madelaine le Mercer (she/her) July 2023
  Deputy Historian Canon Lore link Sir Callum MacLeod (he/him) February 2024
Kingdom Webwright Canon Lore link Count Alain Quartier (he/they) November 2022
Clerks of the Polling Orders August 2021
  Order of Chivalry Canon Lore link Master Magnus Thorbjarnarson September 2024
  Laurel Clerk Canon Lore link Mistress Tailltiu ghoirt ruaidh (she/her) January 2024
  Order of the Pelican Canon Lore link Mistress Leta von Goslar (she/her) February 2022
  Defense Clerk Canon Lore link Master Owain Cantor ap Hughe (he/him) July 2022
  Order of the Rose Canon Lore link Countess Catalina OroSol (she/her) January 2020
Lochac Company of Archers Canon Lore link Baroness Angele Marie de Savigny (she/her) January 2020
Guilds August 2021
  Brewers, Vintners and Imbibers Guild Canon Lore link Virðuligr Drottin Bjorn Bjarnylr Bassason ór Bjarneyu June 2024
  College and Confraternity of Scribes and Illuminators Canon Lore link Mistress Katherne Rischer (she/her) January 2020
  Cooks Guild Canon Lore link Mistress Leoba of Lecelade (she/her) January 2020
  Fibre Guildmistress Canon Lore link Lady Eleonora Rose (she/her) April 2024
  Royal Guild of Defence Canon Lore link Baron Emrys Twdr (he/him) January 2024
  Guild of the Silver Rondel (Dance) Canon Lore link THL Baroness Medb ingen ind Iasachta October 2023
  Tailors, Haberdashers and Mercers Guild Canon Lore link Mistress Willemyne van Nijmegen (she/her) January 2020
  Woodwrights Guild Canon Lore link Master François Henri Guyon (he/him) January 2020
  Worshipful Company of Broderers Canon Lore link Mistress Ceara Shionnach (she/her) November 2023