Rather than being fixed in Kingdom Law, the time a Baron or Baroness spends in office is determined by the incumbents, subject to the will of the Crown. The following observations can be made concerning Baronial term lengths:
- The average term length of completed terms (as of this date) is 3.83 years
- The median is Baron Stigh Joghensson and Baroness Cairistiona nic Bheathain at 3.88 years.
- The most-recently completed term across all Baronies averaged 3.30 years
Average completed terms by barony
- Rowany – 3.61 years (9 tenures)
- Innilgard – 3.87 years (9 tenures)
- River Haven – 3.96 years (7 tenures)
- Aneala – 3.86 years (10 tenures)
- Stormhold – 3.70 years (10 tenures)
- Ynys Fawr – 3.71 years (7 tenures)
- Politarchopolis – 3.73 years (7 tenures)
- Southron Gaard – 3.73 years (8 tenures)
- St Florian de la Riviere – 3.75 years (5 tenures)
- Ildhafn – 3.75 years (5 tenures)
- Mordenvale – 3.75 years (6 tenures)
- Krae Glas – 3.77 years (2 tenures)